"John Hunter...came from Ireland about the middle of eighteen hundred century [sic]...settling in Fulton County...four
of the sons of John Hunter - John - William - Alexander - and David crossed the mountains on horseback to Westmoreland Co,
settling in Mt. Pleasant Twp..." W. Dick Hunter "...the first Hunter from Ireland was Alexander."
Lillian Hunter "John R. Hunter told me five Hunter brothers came from Ireland - 'polluted' the country
with Hunters." Anna R. Weitzel "Alexander Hunter and Barbara Patterson, his wife, emigrated from
Ireland (County Down.) They settled first in Troy, New York..." ? (great-great grandson of Alexander Hunter
The following pages represent a sorting out of these and other conflicting stories about one branch of the Hunter family tree.
Most of the sorting was done in the 1930's by James Charles Wilkes (find him on the David}} JOHN MORTIMORE page.) I am a great-great-great-great
granddaughter of David Hunter and hope to be able to add more to James Wilkes work which is one reason for creating this website.
I have only included here the dates and places of births, marriages and deaths that I can prove (with a few exceptions where
I have used approximate dates to help place a family in the correct time period.) I will be happy to share the rest of the
information I have - related lines, a family bible, letters, copies of government archives, photos, educated guesses and leads
- with anyone who is interested.
Judy Farris
September 2003
How This Site Is Organized
These pages contain trees of descendants of Alexander, David, John and William Hunter, brothers of Scotch-Irish heritage born
in the 1700's.
Each brother has a page showing his wife, descendants, and some related lines.
Three of Alexander's children, Nancy, John and William, each have a page with their descendants.
One of David's grandsons, John Mortimore, has a page.
I have only recently been able to add the fourth brother, John, to these pages (due to someone who found this website on
a GenForum posting - yea!) and will add to it as I document the sources.
William and his following 3 generations are on a single page but I have additional descendants I may be able to add.
The "Sources" page contains the most significant records used in compiling the trees.
Further information is available to any interested parties - and that's what the last page "Contact Me" is for.