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1912 Diary Frontispiece
Thurs. July 11, 1912

Left Bellingham at noon & arrived at San de Fuca at 6.30. Fine trip down. All seemed glad to see me. Am staying at Sibbie’s. Wrote to Margie, Ma & Perce. Daisy has given up coming West.

Fri. July 12, 1912

Put in a lot of practise today. Big clam bake on the beach tonight. Had long ride with Chris this A.M. while he delivered orders. Saw Tony a few moments.

Sat. July 13, 1912

Had fine ride to Coupeville with Harry Barrrington, Chris & Henry Power. Called on Nellie & had nice chat. Went over in H’s auto. Visited Aunt Sarah this P.M.

Sun. July 14, 1912

All went on a big picnic at West Beach today. Fine feed. Saw 3 fellows capsize in the surf. Had long chats with Uncle Geo, Sadie, Nellie, Nell Benson & many others.

West Beach

West Beach closeup
[center: George Morse - Ed.]

Mon. July 15, 1912

Went to Seattle today with Chris & the girls to see Potlatch doings. Arrived at 1.30 & put up at Palace Hotel. Not much doing today. Big crowds. Went to hear Elks’ Band--rotten--then went to theatre.

Wed. July 17, 1912

Chris & I have had enough Potlatch & start for home this noon. Left city on Fairhaven & she pulled out as Calista came in. May not see it again. Postal from Margie.

Fri. July 19, 1912

At ranch all day hoeing spuds & chatting with Tony. Have learnt some surprising things about my relatives & others here.

Sat. July 20, 1912

Hoed spuds most all day & it was a relief after loafing so much. Walked to Fuca & had supper with Nell Benson & family and spent the night.

Sun. July 21, 1912

Went over Oak Harbor to see Uncle Geo. horse race & ball game, also Juliet, whom I found in bed. Rode over in Harry’s auto. Went to Coupeville this eve. to sacred concert in Chas. Mitchell’s auto with Sibbie & Molly.

Oak Harbor

Tues. July 23, 1912

Spent all day at the ranch. Dug spuds all a.m. & got mighty tired. Said goodbye to them all & left for Fuca. Aunt Sarah seemed to feel badly at parting. Said she never expected to see me again. Sibbie had a crowd to supper & to spend eve. in my honor. Had fine time.

Fisher's Dearie

July 1912 [front right: Sarah Morse Snow - Ed.]

Wed. July 24, 1912

Said goodbye to the Fisher bunch & left for Everett on Calista at 6.45 with Kenneth Searles. Spent most of the P.M. with my old pal Lillian & had a fine time. She was more than happy to see me. Went to a picture show with her. Left for Bellingham at 5.47.